Monday, September 27, 2021

Paper Class for English Literature 2021/2022

Conducted by:
D.N. Aloysius (071-8309137)
Visiting Lecturer in English- (BA/PGDE/MA/M.Phil/LL.B Level-3/4 -English Medium/ (Ph. D Thesis completed)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education Unit
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Visiting Lecturer in English- (BA/PGDE/MA/M.Phil/LL.B Level-3/4 -English Medium/ (Ph. D Thesis completed)

External Degree Program
Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Aloysius College
GCE: OL English Literature Paper Class for 2021/2022 will commence shortly. Those who are interested in it can inform me soon. It is a practical class. Past papers will be discussed in the class and do the activities then and there. You are trained for writing long answers and answering extracts. Class fee 1000/=. Our results for 2020: No S Passes/No Failures. All A/B/C Passes
1. Tharushi: A Pass A.pura MMV
2. Bhagya A Pass A-pura MMM
3. Thenura B Pass A-pura MMV
4. Sithuka B Pass A-pura MMV
5. Havindu C Pass A-pura MMV
6. Isuru C Pass A-pura MMV
7. Janith C Pass A-pura MMV
8. Kosala C Pass Niwaththakachethiya MV
9. Jalith C Pass Niwaththakachethiya MV

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