Monday, November 22, 2010

Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University Anuradhapura-Certificate Course in English-2010

Read the following daily routine and write your one. Before writing, you should speak about it with your friend.

It seems my life is always full of activities and obligations. So, I never have much time for myself. During the week, it is the worst. I usually have to get up at half past six even though I would really prefer to sleep much later. After I get up, I perform my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then deciding what to wear. After I get dressed, I brush my hair. I usually don’t have time for breakfast in the morning because I have to catch a bus at seven o’clock to go to school. The bus is usually completely packed and it really makes me uncomfortable. Classes at school start at a quarter to eight except on Tuesdays when they start at seven. Each class has its own timetable. Classes are forty-five minutes long with ten minute breaks, except for one long break between the third and the fourth classes, which is twenty minutes long.
My classes take place either in our classroom or in various labs or a gym. After our classes, the students usually go for lunch to the canteen. Some students in their third and fourth year have afternoon classes, seminars, optional after-school activities or driving lessons.
After school, I sometimes go shopping or just walk around the town for a while. When I get home, I like to relax for some time; I listen to the radio and watch television. Then, I start my homework or help with some housework.
In my family, we usually eat dinner at about eight o’clock. At dinner, we discuss what happened during the day. After that, I help clean up the dinner dishes and have a shower or have a bath myself. Then, I have some time to watch the TV news. Sometimes, I watch an interesting film or music program on TV. Sometimes, I like to go downtown to see a movie or to go to a concert with my friends. About every other day, I have a date with my boyfriend. Sometimes, he comes to watch TV at my home or we might go out for a walk. I usually manage to go to bed around eleven p.m.
So this is my daily routine during the week. During the weekend, it is a different story. I like to sleep late and do whatever I wish with my free time. I am still expected to help my parents out around the house, but I still have most of the time for myself and my interests. I can go for a trip with my friends, I can visit my relatives or I can devote more time to my hobbies. I think everyone will agree that weekends are much better than weekdays.


Write a dialogue about your daily routine. Before writing, you should speak.
A Hello! Good morning. I would like to know about your daily routine.
B Good morning! I usually get up at 5.00 a.m.
A After that, what do you do?
B -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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